The delivery time depends on which country you live in. It can vary a lot but all parcels are usually delivered within 8-21 working days. Please follow our times stated at check out. Please note due to the worldwide Corona pandemic shipping to many countries is delayed.
You will receive an email with your tracking number 2-4 days after you have ordered. This email will contain details on how and where to trace your shipment.
If the postman delivers while you were out then simply go to your local post office to collect the parcel. You have 1 week from attempted delivery before they will return the parcel to us.
Many countries do not update the shipping status before the parcel has been delivered and you can typically only see the dispatch details online. When you receive the tracking number from us then it has been shipped and we kindly request you to await the parcel as we cannot speed up the process once the postal service has the parcel.
We welcome cryptocurrencies payments from all countries:
Our patients are advices to consult their doctor or health care provider before ordering medicine at Clear Sky Pharmacy - the Best Medical Website.
We are aware that doctors receive an undisclosed fee from the big pharma companies for prescribing and recommending their drugs. This naturally makes them biased towards generic drugs. However, your doctor is well aware of the cheaper generic drugs and likely to confirm that our brands are of the highest standards and a safe alternative. If your country/ state requires you to have a valid Rx then you must obtain this prior ordering to ensure that you do not break the law. Keep it for your reference.
If you like us to include a copy with your shipment then please email it to Our pharmacist will be pleased to review your medical record and not only do we check for potential drug interactions but we also evaluate the appropriatness of the medication for your illness. Pleasse inform us about all medications you take (both Rx and OTC) as well as any supplements and herbal remedies. Kindly also state the illnesses your are currently being treated for. This service is free of charge.
Please see the extensive list of countries at check out or send us and email at to inquire about your country.
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Covid 19 continues to impact us all. Our priority at this time is to ensure the safety of our customers and staff. We understand the impact and disruption this pandemic is having on all of us and we are doing our best to ensure we can continue to get medication to you in a timely manner, but delays caused by limited air-cargo flights might cause a delay beyond our control.
Please understand we have your interest and health at heart and will do everything we can to prevent any inconvenience to you.
Please order your refills as early as possible.